CGIB Catastrophic Hybrid Insurance Plan (CHIP)

CGIB has entered into partnership with BBD to provide a unique, one of a kind product for our group specialist members. 

What’s Different About this Fully-Pooled Hybrid Plan?

This fully-pooled catastrophic option provides Advisors and their clients unique advantages, including:

  • Fully-Pooled: all groups are placed into a single large pool in order to spread the risk, providing additional stability and allowing for a single set of rates, rather than tiered pricing based on claims experience.
  • One Rate: one set of rates each for Pharmacare and Non-Pharmacare provinces, allowing you and your clients to obtain a quick and accurate pricing estimate.
  • Transparent: in an industry first for a fully-pooled product, we share claims experience on the overall performance of the pool, providing transparency.
  • Exclusivity: this product is available exclusively to Canadian Group Insurance Brokers (CGIB) members, given their knowledge and expertise, unique ability to field underwrite, and their full understanding of pooled benefits programs.

What does the plan look like?

Generally a group will take the pooled benefits like Life, AD&D, LTD and the Catastrophic Coverage above, and combine it with a Health Spending Account for the day to day expenses (like low cost drugs, parameds, vision, orthotics, dental benefits etc.).

Common HSA funding ranges from $1,000/employee for basic plans, to $2,000 or $2,500 for typical plans, to  $5000+ for executive classes.

How do we benefit?

Clients benefits:  Rate stability - Pool Protection & Transparency - Unique plan design - Employee flexibility of use

Advisor benefits:  Easy renewals - Consistent pricing - client stability -  An explainable pool - Design is not easy to market

How well does this plan design work? 

Enough to make the pooling fully transparent.  We challenge other providers to do the same.

The 2024 CGIB CHIP Renewal document is HERE

The 2023 CGIB CHIP Renewal document is HERE

The 2022 CGIB CHIP Renewal document is HERE

Become a member to benefit: JOIN HERE